

Money is any commodity or token that is generally acceptable as the means of payment 译文钱或财富指的就是任何商品或者辅币 代用货币 ,它作为支付手段通常是可以接受的解释that 代替先行词“moneyquot 引导定语从句“that is generally acceptable as the means of payment ” 。

Recently in China during Chinese New Year, a very popular way of sending out New Year greetings was through #39electronic red packets#39 The idea is that this is a more convenient method than using traditional red packets, which are given out during Chinese New Year as a token of。

token 读音英 #39t#601#650k#601n 美 #39tok#601nn 表征代币记号 adj 象征的表意的作为对某事的保证的 vt 象征代表 词组短语by the same token 同样地出于同样原因 as a token of 作为?的标志 token ring 令牌环一个环状的区域网路in token of。


Token money could at one time be contrasted with quotfull bodiedquot money 代币曾一度是“足价”货币的对立面That is precisely how power is interpreted by the science of law , that cash bank of history , that undertakes to change the historical token money of power for ster。

What Is Money and What Are Its Functions?金钱及金钱的功用是什么Money is something you#39ve been familiar with throughout your life In fact, you may already consider yourself an expert on the subject You regularly use money to measure the value of things you own You also。

token money 英史商店发行的代用货币 token payment 部份偿付 象征性的偿付 token vote 英议会 原则同意的象征拨款决议 Black is a token of mourning黑衣是居丧的表征token adj象征性的 作为标志的 表意的 装门面的 tokenism n象征主义 装门面, 表面文章 弄虚作假 as a。



