

2023年5月12日的雅思考试结束,大家觉得自己考得怎么样呢?有没有信心和雅思分手呀?还是先来对一下答案吧!下面就由小钟老师为大家介绍一下2023年5月12日1 Telephone number home 0Diploma Secondary school 2 Type of job wanted builder 3 Proficient in language certificate in English。

S4 Archaeology Completion 一句话简介 化石保护,化石的分类与挖掘。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Telephone has had greater effects on people’s lives than television hasP37 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Technology makes peoples live simpler rather than more complicatedP38 Do agree or disagree with。




32 How often do you use telephone?33 How often do you write an email or letter?34 Which do you prefer to use telephone or email?35 Do you prefer to send an email or write a letter? Why?36 When do you use telephone?37 Do you prefer to have a face to face。

作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导欢迎随时提问 上周的雅思考试已经顺利结束,真题和答案也已经公布,接下来就和小钟老师看一看2023年6月13日雅思听力考试真题及答案SECTION 1租用露营车1 telephone No01562 send things by。

2023年1月20日雅思听力真题回忆解析权威点评总体来说是选择和填空十分均衡的一次考试, 分别为20道,整体难度偏难Section 1话题分类填空内容概述该部分介绍了一位男士电话咨询一家组织各种航海活动的旅游公司题目回忆填空101 何时学校晚上九点钟关门Thursday2 什么在前台可以拿到 key to the sid。

一2023年7月10日雅思听力题目预测 Hotel reservation, Telephone 酒店预订 Questions 110 填空题1 What type of holiday surfing 2 The package prize is cheap, this package price include breakf ast 3 The original package includes a gym 4 Discount from 360 reduce to 315。

a hand phone, or a pocket phoneb I am sure you are familiar with it, or even have one As the name indicates, it is a telephone that is carried on your person, and can be used wherever you gob That is to say, you can make or receive calls while。

下面是2023年10月23日雅思口语Part2机经的内容,包括了这次考试中的关于人物,事物,事件和经历等方面的话题这次的雅思口语Part2考题结合了以往的经典考题,并进行了详细的分类,大家可以一起来参考一下 Person Describe a family Not your own family How do you know your family? Describe the interest of。

