

1、扭力杆 Torsion Bar 动力转向帮浦 Power Steering Pump 后轴总成 Rear Axle Assembly 刹车分泵 Brake Cylinder 动力转向油管 Power Steering Hose 动力方向系统 Power Steering System 来自百度文库!希望能够帮到你!小石头小叔 已赞过;Antisway Bar 横向推力杆 Coil spring 螺旋弹簧 Leaf spring 板簧 片簧 Torsion bar 扭力杆 Air spring 充气弹簧,气垫;词语翻译英语torque,turningforce,torsion德语DrillungS_,TorsionS_法语torseur扭力的国语词典是汽车引擎启动时所产生的扭转动力如汽车引擎所能输出的马力及扭力大小通常亦是购车人士考虑的项目之一词语翻译;相邻跳线 contiguous jump 整流桥 commuting bridge 整流堆 commuting stock 组标记 ?扩容板 ?上扣扭矩表buttoned torsion gauge;或译为扭矩,Torsion,通过弯曲或扭转形变可以推导出拉力或译为张力,Tensile的模量扭矩是由硬度Rigidity决定的鄙人不才文科高一,纯手打其内容具体定义还得看学长所学的知识翻译不求采纳只求对楼主有用。

2、扭转扭转力物理学扭力矩,转力矩医学捩转 torsion pairing 扭曲配对;antisway bar 横向推力杆 coil spring 卷簧,圆簧,盘簧,螺旋弹簧,圆弹簧 leaf spring 板簧,片弹簧 torsion bar 扭力杆 air spring 象弹簧一样起减震作用的气垫;315 torsion bearing抠转轴承316 transverse bearing径向轴承317 truck side bearing机车的下旁承,底板,镶板,闸瓦托318 trunnion bearing耳轴承319 tumbler bearing铰式支座,摆动支座轴承320 twodirection selfaligning ball;A third force is known as a torsion force, or a torque since it tends to twist an object Still another kind of force, which seems to make the layers or molecules of a material slide or slip on;preaching clutch torsion lifespan, simplify the operation has become the development trend of the heavy clutch In order to improve the ability of torsion, in heavy vehicles can be used on double dry type c;上堰板top slitter 纵切上刀top squeeze roll 挤水上辊top wire 上网,面网tori torus的复数纹孔torn deckle 定边带破裂torn sheet 破损纸页torque 转力矩torsion 扭曲度扭力,扭曲torsion balance 扭秤torsion meter。

3、涉外活动中,经常会遇到各种类型的翻译活动,需要翻译人员的陪同,陪同人员代表着东道方全体人员乃至其单位地方民族国家的形象,所以需要特别注意,以下是我为大家精心搜集和整理的陪同翻译注意事项,希望大家喜欢!更多资讯尽在公关礼仪栏目;Torsion The cold was Elizabeth Bennet Darcy also despised their small daughter, Lydia Li vulgar The sister and Friends persuaded Darcy, Bingley walked, went to London, but Jane was still a deep feeling for;总经理办公室General manager’s office 模具部Tooling department 项目部Project department品质部Quality department计划部 Plan department 制造部Manufacture department产品部Keypad departmentIMD 产品部 IMD department五金部 Metal。


4、蛇形管,1英寸,15镀锌,黑色,长8英尺10英寸;niǔ dòng释义twist,twist,writhe,wring,wreathe 短语扭动 Twistwriggleswing扭动超声 Ozil地壳扭动 crust torsion。

5、superscript nearly two headings such as Wang Lung blink slopes were called Thunderbolt panic, linked to success Choi Jung halo抢water before the ship has been winning, losing ground after the ship air play torsion。

